The weather might leave us feeling disappointed, but our GPC 'spring to summer' church calendar is already in full blossom. We have a lot of exciting things to look forward to between now and the summer, and we can't wait to tell you more!
Our Discipleship Groups will return soon for a four-session mini-series called 'First 15'. This series was specially designed to equip and encourage us to connect with God regularly and directly through his Word. Our hope is that we will grow together and take the next step on our faith journey, whatever that looks like to us personally. This short series might be the perfect time for you to try out our Discipleship Groups and experience for yourself what it's all about.
We also hope you will join our First 15 WhatsApp group for an eight-week Bible reading and prayer challenge. The aim of the group is to encourage and inspire each other by sharing something we find meaningful in our daily Bible reading and prayer time or some way we have experienced God's presence and kindness that day. Let Mariann know if you would like to be added to the WhatsApp group.
Cafe church will be back on Sunday, 21st April, with an exciting, international feel to it. Our special guest will be Rev. Enrique Tagle, originally from Cuba, currently the minister of Mountpottinger Presbyterian Church. We will hear some stories about his journey, family and ministry. He will also share a short Bible reading and message. Worship will be led by special guests from Argentina. We invite you to come at 6.30 pm to enjoy some fellowship with others over a cuppa and homemade treats. We will start the service sometime before 7 pm. There won't be dedicated prayer time before this service, but we ask you to keep this wonderful event and our special guests in your prayers.
You are invited to a Spring Variety Concert on Saturday 27th April at 7pm in the JB Hall. Tickets are now on sale and are available from the church office or Susan Rock for £10 each.
Many Christians with autism do not feel included or their needs understood in our local congregations. Yet often with sensible adjustments to our buildings, our organisations, our worship and our congregational routines our churches can become places where those on the autism spectrum can feel understood, comfortable and welcome.
There will be presentations by those with experience of autism with low support needs and of autism with high support needs followed by a Q&A session.
Those on the autism spectrum, family members, friends, children’s and youth ministry volunteers, organisation leaders, church office holders and ministers are invited to attend.
The event is free.  Registration beforehand is not essential, but it would be helpful for catering purposes if you were able to let us know in advance that you plan to attend.
Join us for our Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, 28th April, after the morning service.
We will continue our 'Hymns We Love' series on Sunday, 5th May at 7 pm in the Lower Stye Brae Hall and learn more about the story and message of the beautiful and beloved hymn 'Amazing Grace'.
The Christian Aid Week service will take place on Sunday, 12th May, at 11 am. We will pray together that people pushed to the brink by poverty find the strength and opportunity to push back harder and fulfil their hopes and ambitions. If you want to find out more about Christian Aid, how you can make a donation and different ways to get involved, click HERE.
We will continue our 'Hymns We Love' series on Sunday, 16th June at 7 pm in the Lower Stye Brae Hall and learn more about the story and message of the beautiful and beloved hymn 'How Great Thou Art'.