About Our Church
Our Story
Our church family worships and serves God in Gilnahirk on the outskirts of East Belfast. The origins of the congregation go back to 1759 when six men signed the lease for the ground on which the church currently stands. We value the intergenerational nature of our congregation and extend a warm welcome to everyone. We seek to serve the community around us and we enjoy positive relationships with the other churches and schools in the area.

Meet our Staff
Kirk Session
The Kirk Session (which means 'church meeting') gives spiritual leadership to the congregation. It is made up of the Minister who is also the ‘Teaching Elder’ and a number of ‘Ruling Elders’ chosen by the congregation. The Kirk Session makes prayerful decisions on the congregation's priorities, oversees the various church groups and activities, ensures pastoral care is provided to the members of the congregation, has responsibility for the Sacraments and takes leadership in serving both the church family and the local community.
There are 25 men and women serving on our Kirk Session:
Alan Magee
Andrew Kerr
Barbara Anderson
Carol Anderson
Carol Chambers
Carol Noble
Colin McRoberts
David Mark
David McDonald
Heather Taylor (Clerk of Session)
Hilary Gowdy
Hilary Morrow
Johnston Morrow
Judith Morrow
Julie-May Noteman
Laura Hutcheson-Magee
Malcom Strain
Michael Picken
Patricia Gowdy
Rachel Toland
Richard Patterson
Roberta Patterson
Rosemary Gregg
Stephen Chambers
Stephen Jackson
Kirk Session Teams

The Worship Team is responsible for overseeing and coordinating worship and praise within the life of our church.

The Connect Team aims to develop connections among the organisations within and around the church and with the wider community.

Discipleship & Prayer
The Discipleship & Prayer Team is responsible for helping members of our congregation deepen their relationship with God and grow in their service to Him.

Children, Youth & Family
The Children, Youth & Family Team oversees the provision of a firm foundation for the ongoing faith journey of our children and young people and the support of parents in their role. ​

The Pastoral Team is responsible for all areas of fellowship and support within the congregation.

Congregational Committee
The Committee serves an important set of purposes within the congregation and they are reflected in the titles of the 9 subcommittees: Finance, Property Maintenance, House, Reception, Newsletter, Catering, ICT (Information, Communication & Technology), Hall Letting / Health & Safety, Church Grounds & Graveyard.
The following are the current members of our Congregational Committee:
Andrew Davidson
David Corbett
Donald Eakin
Edna Caldwell
George Coates
Gillian Hamill
Janitha Gray
Jennie Cahoon
Jill Kerry
John Cummings
Joy Mark
Lynda Casement
Mark Blundell
Martin Childs
Michael Thompson
Paul Blundell
Paul Gray
Rab Toland
Richard Montgomery
Suzanne Hanna
Thelma Jackson
William Noteman
United Appeal
The United Appeal for Mission is at the very heart of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Every aspect of the Church's mission depends to some extent on United Appeal. It supports projects, programmes and staff at home and overseas. It helps congregations and individuals to build God’s Kingdom through youth and children’s ministry, social action and the training of leaders, for example.

We belong to the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, which is one branch of the worldwide Christian family.
The word 'Presbyterian' itself describes the form of Church government, which emphasises the individual and corporate responsibility of members. Ministers and members share in the organising and running of every aspect of the Church's work.